Environmentálny výskum v interiérovej a exteriérovej náučnej zóne


          Environmental research in the interior and exterior learning zone

          Programme SK-CLIMATE


          The project is aimed at the latest scientific knowledge and an innovative approach to increase the awareness on climate change mitigation and adaptation together with the practical revitalisation of the interior and exterior of our school.

          The project objective is to link the knowledge of climate change mitigation and adaptation with its implementation into environmental education and other science subjects through the project-based teaching and the revitalisation of the school area into an interior and exterior learning zone with an eco classroom. 


          The main activities:

          1. Preparation of educational materials and teaching aids on the climate change mitigation and adaptation,

          2. Revitalisation of the school garden into an eco classroom with an exterior learning path,

          3. Building of insect houses and eco gardening in the school garden,

          4. Building of an interior learning zone with an aquarium and vertical gardens,

          5. Installation of the waste separation bins in the school and building of composters in the school garden,

          6. Organising of the environmental events, lectures, workshops, competitions, exhibitions inside and outside the school,

          7. Publicity and supporting activities.


          Target groups and final recipients:

          1. Teachers - they will benefit from created teaching materials (didactic materials for teachers of environmental education, an elaborated school environmental programme, curriculum, worksheets, models) and lectures on the climate change mitigation and adaptation.

          2. Students - they will benefit from modification of the educational process, such as the transformation of encyclopaedic teaching and learning to the project-based teaching of environmental education and other science subjects in the interior and exterior learning zone. The main intention is to raise their interest in the natural environment they live in and to increase their activity within targeted area.

          3. General public - they will gain knowledge and experience on the climate change mitigation and adaptation from the environmental events, lectures, workshops, competitions and exhibitions organised inside and outside the school. We aim to increase public awareness on climate change mitigation and adaptation. 



          1. Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics – preparation of didactic materials to ensure modern and effective implementation of climate change topics into the curriculum of environmental education and science subjects; prepared didactic material will be based on principles of project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, outdoor education, interdisciplinary learning, mobile learning, interactive learning etc.; co-organising environmental and information events.

          2. Råholt ungdomsskole – comparison of curriculum, testing of new didactic materials, testing the condition of natural elements in Norway, co-organising environmental events and presenting information and outputs of the project implementation on environmental conference.

          3. Gymnasium, Mládežnícka 22, Šahy – our cooperation is aimed at preparation of new curriculum within environmental education, professional consultations and preparation of environmental events.

          4. OZ VAU – Civic Association More than Learning – its role in the project will be professional consultancy of empirical methods of cognition – experiments, observations, measuring.


          Cooperating subjects:

          1. Topoľčany Town - during the project implementation Gymnasium will cooperate with the Town Council in Topoľčany -  Department of Asset and Service Management and Department of Construction and Environment (Tree Removal Permission, consultations with the landscape architect).

          2. Parenting Association of Gymnasium, Ul. 17. novembra 1180, Topoľčany - we arrange the help and active cooperation of parents within the project implementation and co-financing of project activities.

          3. The Self-Governing Region Nitra - the founder of our school – the consultancy of adjustments to the school area, the acquisition of funds to cover costs, the professional help if needed.

          More information on: https://ecolearning.sk/en/ 



    • Kontakty

      • Gymnázium
      • +421 38 532 47 47, +421 911 195 626,
        +421 911 228 058
      • Ul. 17. novembra 1180, 955 01 Topoľčany
      • 038/ 532 47 47
      • 038/ 532 64 47, 0911 195 626
      • Po - Pia 8.00 - 14.00

        V čase letných prázdnin sú úradné hodiny pre verejnosť vymedzené od 8.00 do 12.00 hod.
      • Pre kontakt so zamestnancami uveďte na vrátnici meno zamestnanca.
        Súkromné mobilné telefónne čísla neposkytujeme.
      • Webová stránka https://gymtop.edupage.org/ sa v čo najväčšej miere snaží o dodržiavanie platnej legislatívy ohľadne prístupnosti webových stránok – novely č. 570/2009 zákona č. 275/2006 Z.z. o informačných systémoch verejnej správy a platného výnosu.
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