Project name: Closer to Europe 



        Objectives of the project:

        1. To improve students' academic performance in science, social science and language subjects, to promote active learning and prepare them for university studies and the needs of the labour market.
        2. To improve the quality of the educational process, support the professional and personal growth of teachers and students by developing cooperation with other European institutions.
        3. To increase students' interest in active environmental protection and active participation in democratic life, especially through activating methods and experiential learning.


        1. Courses for teachers abroad
          • 4 teachers will participate in professional courses abroad focusing on innovative methods, development of key competences, environmental sustainability and active participation in democratic life  
        2. Job shadowing  
          • 6 teachers will travel abroad to observe their foreign colleagues
        3. Students´ group mobility  
          • 10 students and 2 accompanying teachers will participate in classes and project activities at a partner high school abroad
        4. Students´ short-term learning mobility
          • 10 students will spend almost one month studying at a secondary school abroad

        Ongoing activities throughout the duration of the project:


        • cooperation with foreign secondary schools and institutions,
        • activities aimed at active protection of the environment and democratic values promotion,
        • active learning methods implementation, students´ cognitive abilities and key life competences development (communication, creativity, cooperation, critical thinking etc.).


        Project duration: 1.9.2023 – 28.2.2025 (18 months)

        Subsidy amount:  € 59 362

        The project is implemented with the support of the Erasmus+ program.

    • Kontakty

      • Gymnázium
      • +421 38 532 47 47, +421 911 195 626,
        +421 911 228 058
      • Ul. 17. novembra 1180, 955 01 Topoľčany
      • 038/ 532 47 47
      • 038/ 532 64 47, 0911 195 626
      • Po - Pia 8.00 - 14.00

        V čase letných prázdnin sú úradné hodiny pre verejnosť vymedzené od 8.00 do 12.00 hod.
      • Pre kontakt so zamestnancami uveďte na vrátnici meno zamestnanca.
        Súkromné mobilné telefónne čísla neposkytujeme.
      • Webová stránka https://gymtop.edupage.org/ sa v čo najväčšej miere snaží o dodržiavanie platnej legislatívy ohľadne prístupnosti webových stránok – novely č. 570/2009 zákona č. 275/2006 Z.z. o informačných systémoch verejnej správy a platného výnosu.
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