
          E R A S M U S +

          Project name: Inspired by Europe



          Objectives of the project:



          • to develop cooperation with other European institutions
          • to improve the quality of education – to implement modern teaching methods
          • to exchange of experience and good practice with foreign colleagues



          • to expand knowledge and skills of teachers and students in the field of environmental education
          • to implement environmental education into the educational process
          • to promote responsible behavior towards the environment



          • to improve the digital skills of teachers and students
          • to implement digital technologies in teaching
          • to increase the attractiveness of teaching



          1. Courses for teachers abroad - 8 teachers will participate in professional courses abroad (Italy, Spain, Finland and the Czech Republic)
          2. Job shadowing - 6 teachers will travel to a foreign secondary school
          3. Group mobility of pupils - 10 pupils and 2 accompanying teachers will participate in classes at a partner high school abroad


          Ongoing activities throughout the duration of the project:

          • online meetings with a partner school
          • creation of the final product – a digital teaching aid for teaching environmental education using innovative teaching and learning methods with a focus on natural phenomena and cultural monuments of our city


          Project duration: 1.6.2022 – 31.8.2023 (15 months)

          Subsidy amount: €34,670

          The project is implemented with the support of the Erasmus+ program.



    • Kontakty

      • Gymnázium
      • +421 38 532 47 47, +421 911 195 626,
        +421 911 228 058
      • Ul. 17. novembra 1180, 955 01 Topoľčany
      • 038/ 532 47 47
      • 038/ 532 64 47, 0911 195 626
      • Po - Pia 8.00 - 14.00

        V čase letných prázdnin sú úradné hodiny pre verejnosť vymedzené od 8.00 do 12.00 hod.
      • Pre kontakt so zamestnancami uveďte na vrátnici meno zamestnanca.
        Súkromné mobilné telefónne čísla neposkytujeme.
      • Webová stránka https://gymtop.edupage.org/ sa v čo najväčšej miere snaží o dodržiavanie platnej legislatívy ohľadne prístupnosti webových stránok – novely č. 570/2009 zákona č. 275/2006 Z.z. o informačných systémoch verejnej správy a platného výnosu.
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